I keep on thinKing hard...
Its been late...quIte late...
That I paSSed a day without yOu...
Like tOday.
I miSSed yOu bad...
I miSSed yOu high bY nOw...
That am FeeLing sO emPty...
Am FeeLing sO lOnely...
I lOOk bacK to aLL thOse dayS...
We have had spent sO faR...
Darling...ItS been Quite a jOurney...
And I miSS thOse aLL soOOOo...
I wiSh to hOld yOu tiGht...
I wiSh to wisPer in yOur eaRs...
I miSS yOu ...
I miSS yOu sooo...
April 21, 2010
April 19, 2010
Push me...n thn jst touch me..till i get ma proper distruction..:P :P
its a beauiful day..and i feel so lovely-lovely today!
Seems like i am gonna get wet in rain today...ahaan!
I have waiting so long this summer to get myself all wet and frisky in rain, but its all stuck in the sky for last few days now.Hmph...where are the rain-drops fishing their head out...i wonder.
Its a very complicated life ... specialy when you are muddled up in too many burdens from people those who matters the most in your life...for me life has always been hard...and me to life...always been so happy-go-easy face.I feel so clumpsy and tired these days..sometimes i just wanna stop moving, refrain my brain from the over-dozes of thinking and sit at a place whining on nothing.
Why does it always have to be a reason to exist?to love?to live?
Stupid me in my supid world...
Still somedays are such meaningless beautiful as of today...and its enough to be on track atleast till tomorrow.
Missing myself...:(
Seems like i am gonna get wet in rain today...ahaan!
I have waiting so long this summer to get myself all wet and frisky in rain, but its all stuck in the sky for last few days now.Hmph...where are the rain-drops fishing their head out...i wonder.
Its a very complicated life ... specialy when you are muddled up in too many burdens from people those who matters the most in your life...for me life has always been hard...and me to life...always been so happy-go-easy face.I feel so clumpsy and tired these days..sometimes i just wanna stop moving, refrain my brain from the over-dozes of thinking and sit at a place whining on nothing.
Why does it always have to be a reason to exist?to love?to live?
Stupid me in my supid world...
Still somedays are such meaningless beautiful as of today...and its enough to be on track atleast till tomorrow.
Missing myself...:(
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