February 12, 2010

TFSA '10 Dhaka

11th evening at DU...Public Library portion..Shawkat Osman Auditorium..

Watchd two flims in a row .. Afgan Girls Can Kick..and The Battle For Pakistan...

The concepts were tremendously built with strong focuses.
though i liked the Pakistan movie more...straight to the point...about the madrassah culture and the blaming of suicidal bombings.

As it were said by a interviewee that..if a cars tire is punctured...it dosnt have to be like fire the entire car..you gotta fix the puncture. if there is flaws in the system , dont just bullshit and abundan it...fix the flaws. atleast try for it.

we ourselves create in the system, we change it as per requirement, we choose our governments and we blame it all. we say politics is a bad thing, its for corrupted people. we the educated spheres fly away for our greatest degrees and huge wealth earning. and leave our country to root and become a rug full of dust. we blame the politicians to be illiterate and we the literate liberty... piss ourselves with better establishment with luxury needs.

Wheeww... what a fish! really... we avoid incidents and accidents as if we arent part of this social structure still at the end of the day we act as if we are the actual creators.

Haay Bangali... Bangladesh is rotten as in shit for years. And we dont even care to took that blame on our head. Bangla dhuukche to dhukuk na...amader ki!

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