November 24, 2010

DHAKA Local Bus Services … let all be equal…

Wastage of time, energy and peace of mind… is it all which is being crushed due to traffic congestion? There are more … as thousands of men strive hard to get in the bus whole day through … women of similar extent does that too. In my 3 and half years of university life, mostly I had traveled through bus service in the capital uttara-banani route. During my internship, I experienced the appalling travel route from uttara to kawranbazaar area. And most believingly I despised it more than I reviled the university travel days. In the name of traffic congestion we hear issues regarding low availability-low consumption of transport, miss-management of seat system and adjustment, grubby environment in the bus counters, the offensive behaviors and bumpy driving, the bail-less attitude of the helpers and fuming passengers etc. but how many articles did make out the news regarding women exploitation in the bus? Physical molestation and contempt of gender is a common scenario in daily bus services. Currently “Stop Eve-Teasing” is a blazing issue in the newspapers and various media all over. But what about the incidents that take place and is never really been heard of - done by the educated so-called civics? Sigh…I am bit bewildered while writing about this as I don’t know whether I am writing this as in a victim myself or as in bearing a sensible milieu of journalism.

Yes…I am a victim in the sense that I have been through the filthy touches of strangers and mostly being silent in thoughtfulness of social bullshits. And also yes…I found it as mere responsibility to write out all these as I felt its nearly significant enough to question the erudite well-grown up male society who finds pleasure in touching women here and there while traveling beside them in a bus. Why am I calling them educated? Because unfortunately 90% of the men I found doing such shameful performance was wearing formal shirts-pants-ties with heavy silver watches (not cheap at all) along with shining shoes and laptop bags in the shoulders. Well-groomed, clean shaved and off course having the newest model mobile phones in one hand, I often found their other hand-fingers busy in finding place between my armpits next to my chest. In recent eve-teasing content, the uneducated boys full of ashes and brain depletion are being blamed for not choosing the right track in life and thus becoming criminals and murderers. It’s their drugs, drinking and ailing mental problems behind the disgraceful act they perform. But what about our co-passengers in the bus? Who treat us as if we are their keeps for the moment and its our job to allow them to touch us, press their bodies on ours as much as they want and stay silent, unnoticed about it? Many of you reading these must be thinking why not shout, why not slap tight these ill-mental creatures? When there isn’t much space for a girl or women to oppose against the social taboo’s limiting their rights and worthiness inside the house, it requires much, much more than courage or strength to do such thing on outside streets.

Most bus services provide at least 8 seats reserved for women now-a-days. Sadly, to sit in those our ears has to hear many of witty remarks from the men. Some of them even don’t want to let us take in – simply they make up such fussed drama that even if we get the seat it reminds us of unwantedness and embarrassment. And my o my, that of us who takes in the common seat- its more like getting on straight in the stove. Women these days are far near to what men works, earns, achieves, and gives out to life. If a women raises her voice for some reason that’s the moment the entire bus is cursing her with wide eyes and question-marked faces. But she isn’t supposed to do or question such groundless situations because it won’t matter or bother anyone. Regrettably till date Enormous amount of women suffer from male-abuse, gender discrimination, physical assault, mental break-downs in their households and workplaces 24/7. When those women can’t get out of their in-house sufferings, it’s practically pointless to expect women on street to gripe and defend thyself. I wonder what kind of men (?) does find pleasure or amusement
In touching women and torment their traveling experiences. It does tires me a lot and makes me feel like just a flesh with a skin of some dead raccoon. And honestly, such men seem to me worse than the meat-eaters of Africa.

I am not writing all these to speak of some awareness slogans or be a social-writer. I am writing to all those men out there, who don’t know how to respect a human-body. For you a woman is maybe just a body, but you have indisputably forgotten that your body was a small part of ours before you even saw this world. So in the name of your mothers, sisters and daughters, I pray to almighty that may you be blessed with keen pity for yourselves and be able to work-out your filthy retired mentality and leave our pride alone.

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